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Qsan Document – User Manual
Change the virtual disk size. The size must be larger than the current, and then click
button to start extension.
Extension starts. If the virtual disk needs initialization, it will display the status
the complete percentage of initialization in
The extension size must be larger than the current size of the virtual disk.
Extension cannot be executed during rebuilding or migration.
Nowadays thin provisioning is a hot topic people talk about in IT management and storage
industry. To make contrast to thin provisioning, it naturally brings to our minds with the opposite
term - fat provisioning, which is the traditional way IT administrators allocate storage space to
each logical volume that is used by an application or a group of users. When it comes to the point
to decide how much space a logical volume requires for three years or for the lifetime of an
application, it's really hard to make the prediction correctly and precisely. To avoid the complexity
of adding more space to the volumes frequently, IT administrators might as well allocate more
storage space to each logical volume than it needs in the beginning. This is why it's called "fat"
provisioning. Usually it turns out that a lot of free space is sitting around idle. This stranded
capacity is wasted, which equals to waste of investment and inefficiency. Various studies indicate
that as much as 75% of the storage capacity in small and medium enterprises or large data centers
is allocated but unused. And this is where thin provisioning kicks in.