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Qsan Document – User Manual
tab is used to set up a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).
Currently, the system only supports and communicates with Smart-UPS series by APC (American
Power Conversion Corp,
) and Magatec UPS.
Connection with other vendors of UPS can work well, but they have no such
communication features with the system.
Now we support the traditional UPS via serial port and network UPS via SNMP. If using the UPS
with serial port, connect the system to UPS via the included cable for communication. (The cable
plugs into the serial cable that comes with the UPS.) Then set up the shutdown values for when
the power goes out.
This table shows the available options and their descriptions.
UPS Type
Select UPS Type:
None: No UPS or other vendors.
Smart-UPS (Serial port): APC Smart-UPS with serial port.
Smart-UPS (SNMP): APC Smart-UPS with network function.
Megatec-UPS: Megatec UPS.
Shutdown Battery
Level (%)
When the battery level goes down and lower than the configured
threshold, the system will auto shutdown. This function will be disabled if
the configured threshold is set to 0.
Shutdown Delay
When there is the power outage happening, if the power cannot be
recovered within the configured time, such as 30 seconds, the system will
auto shutdown at the moment. This function will be disabled if the
configured seconds is set to 0.