Parameters SV.4 – Internal Visualization
Actual Fault = 00
It shows the present code fault. See fault history G13.
Drive Curr = 170A
It shows the drive rated current (maximum current of the equipment at 50ºC).
Drive Volt = 400V
It shows the drive rated voltage.
S/W 1.02
It shows the software version installed into the equipment.
S/W x.xx
It shows the software version installed into the equipment.
H/W y.y
It shows the hardware version of the equipment.
PID R% = +0.0%
% feedback
It shows the reference value in PID mode of the equipment standard program.
PID F% = +0.0%
% AI used as
It shows the feedback value in PID mode of the equipment standard program.
PID Error = +0.0%
% feedback
It shows the error value in PID mode, that means, the difference between the reference value
and the real value of the system feedback signal.
Comparators: 000
It shows if comparators are activated or not.
1: Active / 0: Not Active.
Parameters SV.5 – Programmable Parameters
This group is not only a display group. Some parameters such as speed, pressure and inch speeds
can be adjusted in this group. These parameters are also available in their corresponding parameter
groups. This is a simple way to allow user adjustment of basic parameters without entering the main
programming groups.
Local Sp = +100%
% motor speed
It shows the speed reference value in local mode (introduced by keypad). See G3.3 parameter for
additional data.
PID Local = +100%
% feedback
It allows user to select the PID reference in local mode. See G6.2 parameter for additional data.
Mref 1 = +10.0%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the speed value assigned to Multi-reference 1. See G14.1 parameter for
additional data.
Mref 2 = +20.0%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the speed value assigned to Multi-reference 2. See G14.2 parameter for
additional data.
Mref 3 = +30.0%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the speed value assigned to Multi-reference 3. See G14.3 parameter for
additional data.
Mref 4 = +40.0%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the speed value assigned to Multi-reference 4. See G14.4 parameter for
additional data.
Mref 5 = +50.0%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the speed value assigned to Multi-reference 5. See G14.5 parameter for
additional data.
Mref 6 = +60.0%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the speed value assigned to Multi-reference 6. See G14.6 parameter for
additional data.
Mref 7 = +70.0%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the speed value assigned to Multi-reference 7. See G14.7 parameter for
additional data.
Inch Spd1 = 0.00%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the step frequency 1 value. See G15.1 for additional data.
Inch Spd2 = 0.00%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the step frequency 2 value. See G15.2 for additional data.
Inch Spd3 = 0.00%
% motor speed
It allows user to set the step frequency 3 value. See G15.1 and 2 for additional data.
PMP manSP=+0.0%
% motor speed
To set the value of the speed reference manual in LOCAL. For additional details, check G25.1.3.
PMP MRe1=0.0%
% motor speed
To set the local reference 1 of PID. Multi-reference 1. For additional details, check G25.1.5.
PMP MRe2=0.0%
% motor speed
To set the local reference 2 of PID. Multi-reference 2. For additional details, check G25.1.6.
PMP MRe3=0.0%
% motor speed
To set the local reference 3 of PID. Multi-reference 3. For additional details, check G25.1.7.
PMP MRe4=0.0%
% motor speed
To set the local reference 4 of PID. Multi-reference 4. For additional details, check G25.1.8.
PMP MRe5=0.0%
% motor speed
To set the local reference 5 of PID. Multi-reference 5. For additional details, check G25.1.9.
PMP MRe6=0.0%
% motor speed
To set the local reference 6 of PID. Multi-reference 6. For additional details, check G25.1.10.
PMP MRe7=0.0%
% motor speed
To set the local reference 7 of PID. Multi-reference 7. For additional details, check G25.1.11.
PMP MRe8=0.0%
% motor speed
To set the local reference 8 of PID. Multi-reference 8. For additional details, check G25.1.12.
Time for Automatic Stop. For additional details, check G25.1.13.
It shows the resting time in minutes, for the automatic stopping of the system.
MAX flow=1000l/s
Eng. Units
It allows setting a level for the maximum flux as in G25.10.2.
% Max range
of sensor
It allows setting a reset level for the flux control algorithm as in G25.10.4.
SLEP FLO=0.0l/s
Eng. Units
It allows setting a flow level to sleep the drive as in G25.4.11.