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1800-GB InclIne travel_288
Take care when turning on inclines!
life-threatening danger through the tractor/trailer
tipping on an incline, especially in transport position
and when cornering.
Reduce general speed accordingly, espe-
cially when cornering.
Drive backwards on the slope rather than
carry out a risky turning manoeuvre.
The driving characteristics of the tractor are influenced by
the weight (G) of the rotary unit. This can lead to dangerous
situations, especially on inclines.
Danger of tipping exists
• when hydraulically lifting the rotor units
- especially when the uphill positioned rotor unit is to
be swivelled upwards first. As a result, the centre
of gravity of the tractor/trailer unit shifts downhill
and the weight force (G) acts eccentrically.
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WorkinG on inclines
• when cornering with the rotor units in the transport
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