up Compax3
C3I20T11 / C3I32T11
192-120103 N13 C3I20T11 / C3I32T11 December 2010
Process of the automatic determination of the load
characteristic value (load identification)
Please click on "unknown: default values are used" in the configuration wizard in
the "External moment of inertia" window.
After the configuration download, you can enter directly, that the optimization
window is to be opened.
In the Commissioning window (left at the bottom) change to commissioning
Finally enter the values of the excitation signal and of the test movement in the
parameter window.
Parameters of the excitation signal:
Amplitude of the excitation signal in % of the motor reference current
Only an amplitude value causing a distinct disturbance can give a usable result.
permissible following error
In order to avoid a following error caused by the excitation signal, the
permissible following error must be increased for the measurement if
Selection of the test movement: inactive, reverse, continuous
Parameterizing of the test movement if necessary
Now energize drive and open load identification window in the commissioning
Caution! Safeguard the travel range before energizing!
Starting the load identification.
Caution! The drive will perform a jerky movement during load identification!
After the measurement, the values can be accepted. Depending on the
application, 2 measurements for minimum external load and maximum external
load are recommended.