Parker EME
Setting up Compax3
192-120103 N13 C3I20T11 / C3I32T11 December 2010
Motor types supported
Compax3 supports the following motor types:
Permanently excited synchronous rotary motors
Permanently excited synchronous linear motors
Asynchronous rotary motors
In general, rotary and linear motors do have the same signal flow chart. The
difference consists solely in the basic physical values, which refer to circular
movement resp. the linear motion laws of physics. For this, the following analogies
can be established:
Rotary drive [unit]
Linear drive [unit]
Travel x
Path x
Mass moment of inertia J
Mass m
Velocity n
Angular velocity
Velocity v
Torque constant Kt
Force constant KF
Torque M
Force F
For reasons of clarity, we will in the following refer to the rotary motor, which
will represent both drive types.
An asynchronous motor is set up in the same way as a synchronous motor. The
only differences are varying motor parameters.
Changing the switching frequency and the reference point
The switching frequency and the reference point are activated in the
ServoManager: "Motor reference point" wizard
A reference point differing from the nominal data may also be entered on the
wizard page displayed above.
Please activate "activate changing the reference point", then you may enter the
new reference velocity as well as the new reference current.
Motor reference point
A reference point differing from the nominal data may also be entered on the
wizard page displayed above.
Please activate "activate changing the reference point", then you may enter the
new reference velocity as well as the new reference current.
External Moment of Inertia
The external mass moment of inertia is set against the moment of inertia of the
rotor to form the total moment of inertia. The total moment of inertia is used for the
controller design.
If you do not know or have only a vague knowledge of the external mass moment
of inertia, the mass inertia can be determined via the load identification.
Configuration of an unknown external mass inertia:
The load identification is activated in the ServoManager:
Wizard "External moment of inertia" “unknown: Using default values”.
The correct values can be determined later via the load identification!
Limit and monitoring settings
On the "limit and monitoring settings" wizard page, you can set among others the
current and velocity limits in % of the nominal values. The nominal values are