C3I20T11 / C3I32T11
192-120103 N13 C3I20T11 / C3I32T11 December 2010
Resolution of the motor position
For option F10: Resolver
Position resolution: 16 Bits (= 0.005°)
Absolute accuracy: ±0.167°
For option F11: SinCos
Position resolution: 13.5 Bits / Encoder sine period
=> 0.03107°/encoder resolution
For option F12:
Maximum position resolution
Linear: 24 Bits per motor magnet spacing
Rotary: 24 Bits per motor revolution
Resolution for Sine-Cosine encoders (e.g. EnDat) with
1Vss signal):
13.5 bits / graduation of the scale of the encoder
For RS 422 encoders: 4x encoder resolution
Accuracy of the feedback zero pulse acquisition =
accuracy of the feedback resolution.
Resolution for analog hall sensors with 1Vss signal:
13.5 Bits / motor magnet spacing
The exactitude of the position signal is above all determined by the exactitude of
the feedback system used.
Motors and feedback systems supported
Direct drives
Linear motors
Torque motors
Sinusoidally commutated synchronous motors
Maximum electrical turning frequency: 1000Hz*
Max. velocity at 8 pole motors: 15000 rpm.
General max. Velocity:
60*1000/number of pole pairs in [rpm]
Max. number of poles = 600
Sinusoidal commutated asynchronous motors
Maximum electrical turning frequency: 1000Hz
Max. velocity: 60*1000/number of pole pairs - slip in
Field weakening: typically up to triple (higher on
Temperature sensor: KTY84-130
(insulated in accordance with EN60664-1 or
3 phase synchronous direct drives
Position encoder
Option F10: Resolver
RE-21-1-A05, RE-15-1-B04
TS2610N171E64, TS2620N21E11, TS2640N321E64,
Tyco (AMP)
Option F11: SinCos
Singleturn (SICK|Stegmann)
Multiturn (SICK|Stegmann) Absolute position up to
4096 motor revolutions.
SEK52, SEL52, SEK37, SEL37, SEK160, SEK90
Rotary feedback with HIPERFACE
e.g.: SRS50, SRM50, SKS36, SKM36, SEK52
* higher values on request