Addendum User Manual: Chrosziel Zoom Servo Drives
How to correctly power the motor and how to use different zoom modes
Steps to connect zoom servo drives to the camera
Before you start:
Check the LANC cables in the box. The improved
cables should have a length of 13,78” (35
if not, please contact Chrosziel or your favored dealer immediately.
Please make sure all cables are correctly connected before you power the setup!
First: connect all LANC cables with the motor and the camera
Second: connect the LEMO connector with the power port at the zoom servo drive
Third: connect the D-Tap (or any other power cable) with the battery
Fourth: make sure the D-Tap connector is inserted correctly
THEN: switch on the power
Cable connecting:
Bottom of the motor (left to right):
LEMO compatible 0B 5-Pin (camera
start / stop, power)
2.5 mm Jack (control command in / out)
USB type mini A-B (firmware updates)
Plug-in the LANC control cables into
the zoom servo drive. Both ports can
be used.