User Manual For CYCLONE
SS C:\test\nxp\armcortex\mk_x_32_pflash_dflash_m5_05A0_1FFF.s19
EN ;Erase if not Blank
PM ;Program Module
VC ;Verify Checksum
Configuration Commands
Configuration Commands are commands that will be executed at startup, before the programming
process. You can see configuration commands used inside a sample .CFG file above in
. They listed are in the middle of the file. They always begin with a colon.
A listing of valid Configuration Commands and their formats is included below.
Target Power Related Configuration Commands :PROVIDEPOWER n
Processors: All (EXCEPT MON08)
Determines whether the Cyclone should provide power to the target. (This is the same as legacy
option :USEPRORELAYS n).
Not all hardware interfaces support this command. Valid values of n are:
0 : Cyclone does NOT provide power to target. (default)
1 : Enable Cyclone to provide power to target. :POWERVOLTAGE n.n
Processors: All
Use this command if the Cyclone is providing/switching power to the target, otherwise omit this
command. Specifies the target voltage as a real number. Acceptable range is from 1.6V - 5.0V.
Specifies target voltage as 3.3V :KEEPPOWERON n
Processors: All
Determines whether power provided to the target should be turned off when the application
terminates. NOTE: Not all hardware interfaces support this command. Valid values of n are:
0 : Turn power off upon exit (default)
1 : Keep power on upon exit :POWERDOWNDELAY n
Processors: All
Amount of time to delay when the power to the target is turned off for the target’s power supply to
drop to below 0.1v. n is the time in milliseconds. :POWERUPDELAY n
Processors: All
Amount of time to delay when the power to the target is turned on OR the target is reset, and
before the software attempts to talk to the target. This time can be a combination of power on time
and reset time (especially if a reset driver is used). n is the time in milliseconds.