User Manual For CYCLONE
The unformatted version of an empty PEmicro JSON Barcode Test file looks like:
The unformatted version of the PEmicro JSON Barcode Test file for the examples used in this
manual looks like: Saving a Barcode Test (.bar) File
The current information on the program main screen can be saved to a Barcode Test (.bar) file for
two reasons. First, so the tests can be used by PEmicro’s Cyclone FX, Standalone programmer.
Second, so the information can be loaded back into this program for modification, further testing of
the tests themselves, or to assist in the creation of new tests.
To save a Barcode Test (.bar) file, click on the
Save File
button in the control area of the main
Figure 11-24: Program Control Area
If a filename (editable) exists in the control area, the program tries to save the screen test
information to that file. If no filename exists, then the window shown below is opened to search for
and/or edit a filename. If Open is clicked, the program attempts to save the test information to that
file. On attesting to save a file, the button is recolored respectively on Success or Failure to
Save File