User Manual For CYCLONE
64 countCycloneImages
uint32_t countCycloneImages(uint32_t cycloneHandle);
This function returns the number of stand-alone programming images currently stored in the
internal Flash and the external memory card of the Cyclone. getPropertyValue
char *getPropertyValue(uint32_t cycloneHandle, uint32_t resourceOrImageId, char
*categoryName, char *propertyName);
This function reads a property value of the Cyclone or a stored SAP image. Examples of properties
are Cyclone Name, Cyclone IP Address, Image Name or Image media type. There are different
categories with different properties. Refer to the header file for a list of valid category and property
names. The function getPropertyList will return a list of valid properties for each category.
@parameter replaceImageOfSameDescription
Set to True if you want the image to
overwrite any existing images with the
same description
Set to False if you do not want the image
to overwrite any existing images with the
same description. An error will occur.
@parameter aFile
A pointer to a null-terminated character
string which contains the full path to the
.SAP file to be added.
The image number of the image that was
just added. This number is used as the
“imageId” parameter for some function
A return value of “0” indicates an error has
occurred during the process.
@parameter cycloneHandle
The handle of the Cyclone to query for the image count
The total number of images stored in internal and external
@parameter cycloneHandle
The handle of the Cyclone from which to read the property.
@parameter resourceOrImageId
The id for image properties is the image id on the Cyclone.
The id for Cyclone or Network properties is 0.
@parameter categoryName
A pointer to a null-terminated character string that contains
the category of the property that will be read.
@parameter propertyName
A pointer to a null-terminated character string that contains
the name of the property that will be read.
A pointer to a null-terminated character string that contains
the value of the property.