User Manual For CYCLONE
58 setLocalMachineIpNumber
void setLocalMachineIpNumber(char* ipNumber);
If a PC has multiple network interface cards, this function sets the IP address of the network card
to use communicate with the Cyclones. This is called prior to calling any other functions.
Controlling Cyclone Programming startImageExecution
bool startImageExecution(uint32_t cycloneHandle, uint32_t imageId);
@parameter nameIpOrPortIdentifierArray
A null terminated string containing one or more
Cyclone identifiers (name, IP address, or port
number) delimited by commas.
Example: USB1,,Orion,COM1
If identifying by IP address, the string should be
in the format of, where xxx =
If identifying by port and the Cyclone is
connected by USB, the string should be USB#
where # is 1…8.
If the Cyclone is connected by Serial, the string
should be COM1.
A pointer to an array of Cyclone handles. Each
element of the array corresponds to the position
of the identifier in the previous parameter. If the
function connected to the Cyclone, the value of
the array element would correspond to its
handle otherwise it will be 0.
This value will be modified with the number of
Cyclones that the function attempted to open. It
is also the size of the
multipleCycloneHandleArrayPtrType structure.
True if every Cyclone was identified and has a
valid handle.
False if there were any errors identifying or
connecting to any of the Cyclones.
@parameter ipNumber
A pointer to a null-terminated character string in the format, where xxx = 0…255, representing the IP address of
the network card.