Trademark and indemnity
Microsoft and Windows are the registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Internet Explorer is the registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Google Chrome is either a trademark or registered trademark of Google Inc.
Other products mentioned are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective corporations.
Other products are the intellectual property of the respective corporations.
Linux is a registered trademark or trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries.
It is prohibited by copyright law to reproduce fully or in part the software and operating instructions included with this unit, or to lend out the
software, without the permission of the rights holder.
This company accepts no responsibility for damages, losses, or requests for payment incurred as a result of using this unit or the software
included with this unit.
If any problems with calculations, etc., of proportions and usage volumes occur due to issue with the device or software, we will not be
responsible for any compensation.
The software included with this unit should not be used with any other devices.
This unit and the software included with it may be modified to improve performance without prior notice.
The content of this document may also be changed without notice.
Infringements of third party patent rights or other rights as a result of using the items described in this document shall not be the responsibility
of this company.
Refer to the DVD included with the intelligent controller for the open source licences.