Calculating the air conditioning usage volume
You can calculate either the electricity/gas consumed by a distribution group as a whole or for individual indoor units.
Methodology for calculating electricity/gas usage across the whole distribution group
The formula for calculating the electricity usage or gas usage for a distribution group is as follows.
Quantity of electricity used
Pulse meter (electricity meter) count value x pulse unit quantity (kWh)
Quantity of gas used
Pulse meter (gas flow meter) count value x pulse unit quantity (m
Methodology for calculating electricity/gas consumption usage for each indoor unit
The formula for calculating the electricity usage or gas usage for an individual indoor unit is as follows.
Quantity of electricity used
Electricity usage of the distribution group x the distribution ratio of electricity consumed by indoor units
Quantity of gas used
Gas usage of the distribution group x the distribution ratio of gas consumed by indoor units
For the methodology for calculating the distribution ratio of electricity/gas consumed by indoor units, refer to “Methodology for calculating
electricity/gas consumption distribution for indoor unit No. i ” (P.218).
Usages are rounded to two decimal places for display.
Methodology for calculating distributions