NV-DVR3009 / NV-DVR3016 ver. 1.1 - User’s manual
All rights reserved © NOVUS Security Sp. z o.o.
It is possible to obtain more accurate data on particular disks and to change their operation mode. After
selecting disk information window and pressing
it is possible to select a required HDD. After
detailed disk’s settings windows appears.
There is disk mode selection field in the lower left corner. Change in the disk mode causes the loss of
data saved on it. Only one disk can work in
mode. The
button starts formatting of given
disk and disks whose numbers are higher then the on of the given disk. After selecting this option users
are asked to confirm the fact of deleting all the data from the disks with higher numbers.
Attention: After formatting all the data will be lost irrevocably. Use this option sensibly.
Attention: Formatting of a disk causes formatting of disks whose numbers are higher, i.e. if there
are 3 disks and No1 is being formatted then disk No2 and 3 will be formatted too.
Formatting of disks with recording does not mean that the archive disks will be
automatically formatted.
In case there are external disks connected to the device there is an additional
button in the
detailed information window. It is used for starting the function that allows to ascertain which disk the
description applies to. It is important if there is more than one external disk in the system and there is
i.e. a need of replacing it.