NV-DVR3009 / NV-DVR3016 ver. 1.1 - User’s manual
All rights reserved © NOVUS Security Sp. z o.o.
3.2.3 Events
After entering
submenu, an alarm options setting window and motion detection window for a
camera whose number and name are displayed at the bottom appear on the screen.
In the
Common Option
pre– and post– recording time for all the channels is set.
Pre-recording time
is a function allowing for recording of material with alarm parameters (speed
and quality) even before the alarm has taken place. Special image buffer is used to this purpose.
Depending on the settings, the time of pre-alarm can range from 1 to 15 seconds.
Post-recording time
is a function allowing for recording of material with alarm parameters (speed
and quality) up to 99 seconds after the alarm has taken place even if the alarm signal is no longer
In the
Sensor Intput
field there is defined activating of which alarm input causes event recording
of particular video channel. Default setting is the same input number that video number is. When
more than one video channel has assign the same sensor input number all of them are recorded
while sensor activation. For example in order to record 1st, 2nd and 3rd channels after activation
1st sensor input you should set number
in a
Sensor Intput
section for all mentioned channels.
It is possible to define active area and sensitivity for each camera. After ticking
you can
Area Define
30x24 grid appears on the screen. By means of arrows you can select
particular grid elements. Pressing
activates the element and its color changes to green.
Activity will only be analyzed in the active elements—the green ones. In order to deactivate a
given grid element you need to select it and press
. Selecting
means that the activity
is activated for the whole image.
Users select the camera for which the settings are defined by means of numeric buttons.