Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
as it reaches the LPTIM_ARR register value if timer enable. If the one-shot counting mode was previously selected,
setting LPTIM_CTRL.TSTCM bit to 1 will switch the LPTIM to continuous counting mode. Counter will restart as
soon as LPTIM_ARR register value is reached if timer enable.
One-shot mode:
LPTIM_CTRL.SNGMST bit must be set to enable the one-shot mode. A trigger event will re-start the LPTIM.
Hardware will abandon all the trigger events after the internal counter starts and before the counter value equal to
LPTIM_ARR.ARRVAL[15:0] value.
If an external trigger is selected, after each external trigger event that arrivers after the LPTIM_CTRL.SNGMST bit
is set, and after the timer register is stopped (containing a zero value), the timer is restarted for a new count cycle,
as shown in Figure 13-4.
Figure 13-4 PTIM output waveform, single counting mode configuration
One-time mode activated:
The one-time mode is used when the LPTIM_CFG.WAVE bit is set. In one-time mode, the counter is started once
when the first trigger event happens, the hardware will discard any subsequent trigger event, as shown Figure 13-5.
External trigger event