Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Bit field
If the preload feature is not selected in TIMx_CCMOD2.OC3PEN bit, the written value is
immediately transferred to the active register. Otherwise, this preloaded value is transferred
to the active register only when an update event occurs.
CC3 channel is configured as input:
CCDAT3 contains the counter value transferred by the last input capture 3 event (IC3).
When configured as input mode, register CCDAT3 and CCDDAT3 are only readable.
When configured as output mode, register CCDAT3 and CCDDAT3 are readable and
Capture/compare register 4 (TIMx_CCDAT4)
Offset address: 0x40
Reset value: 0x0000
Bit field
Capture/Compare 4 value
CC4 channel is configured as output:
CCDAT4 contains the value to be compared to the counter TIMx_CNT, signaling on the
OC4 output.
If the preload feature is not selected in TIMx_CCMOD2.OC4PEN bit, the written value is
immediately transferred to the active register. Otherwise, this preloaded value is transferred
to the active register only when an update event occurs.
CC4 channel is configured as input:
CCDAT4 contains the counter value transferred by the last input capture 4 event (IC4).
When configured as input mode, register CCDAT4 and CCDDAT4 are only readable.
When configured as output mode, register CCDAT4 and CCDDAT4 are readable and
Break and Dead-time registers (TIMx_BKDT)
Offset address: 0x44
Reset value: 0x0000
Note: AOEN, BKP, BKEN, OSSI, OSSR, and DTGN [7:0] bits can all be write protected depending on the LOCK
configuration, and it is necessary to configure all of them on the first write to the TIMx_BKDT register.