Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
The DCode bus connects the DCode bus of Cortex™-M4FP core with the data interface of flash memory
(constant loading and debugging access).
SBus bus connects the SBus bus (peripheral bus) of Cortex™-M4FP core to the bus matrix, which coordinates
the access between the core and DMA.
SAC/CRC has designed matrix interconnection, which supports DMA transmission by software triggering.
The system consists of two AHB2APB Bridges, i.e. AHB2APB1 and AHB2APB2. The maximum speed of
APB1 PCLK is 27MHz; the maximum speed of APB2 PCLK is 54MHz.
Bus address mapping
The address mapping includes all AHB and APB peripherals: AHB peripherals, APB1 peripherals, APB2 peripherals,
Flash, SRAM, System Memory, etc. And the address space of SRAM is located in the bit-band Region of SRAM,
and atomic accesses can be made through the bit-band Alias to performed read-modify-write operations on the target
bits of the bit-band region. The address spaces of all APB and AHB peripherals are located in the bit-band Region of
the peripherals. Atomic accesses can be made through the bit-band Alias to performed read-modify-write operations
on the target bits of the bit-band region. The specific mapping is as follows: