Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Bit field
this bit, and then the corresponding interrupt will be triggered. When this bit is
set, if the CAN_INTE.SLKITE bit is set, a state change interrupt will be
Software can clear this bit, and hardware also clears this bit when
CAN_MSTS.SLPAK bit is cleared.
: When CAN_INTE.SLKITE=0, this bit should not be queried, but the
CAN_MSTS.SLPAK bit should be queried to know the sleep state.
Wakeup interrupt
When CAN is in sleep state, once the start of frame bit (SOF) is detected, the
hardware will set this bit; And if the CAN_INTE.WKUITE bit is set, a state
change interrupt is generated.
This bit is cleared by software.
Error interrupt
When an error is detected, a bit of the CAN_ESTS register will be set, and if the
corresponding interrupt enable bit of the CAN_INTE register is also set, the
hardware will set this bit; If the CAN_INTE.ERRITE bit is set, a state change
interrupt is generated. This bit is cleared by software.
Sleep acknowledge
This bit is set by hardware, indicating that the software CAN module is in sleep
mode. This bit is the confirmation of the software request to enter sleep mode
( the CAN_MCTRL.SLPRQ bit is set).
Hardware clears this bit when CAN exits sleep mode (CAN leaves Sleep mode
and entering normal mode,it needs to be synchronized with CAN bus).
Synchronization with CAN bus here means that the hardware needs to detect 11
consecutive recessive bits on the RX pin of CAN.
: clearing CAN_MCTRL.SLPRQ bit by software or hardware will start the
process of exiting sleep mode. See the description of CAN_MCTRL.AWKUM bit
for details of clearing CAN_MCTRL.SLPRQ bit.
Initialization acknowledge
This bit is set by hardware, indicating that the software CAN module is in
initialization mode. This bit is the confirmation of the software request to enter
the initialization mode (the CAN_MCTRL.INIRQ bit is set).
Hardware clears this bit when CAN exits initialization mode (CAN leaves
Initialization mode and entering normal mode,it needs to be synchronized with
CAN bus). Synchronization with CAN bus here means that the hardware needs to
detect 11 consecutive recessive bits on the RX pin of CAN.
CAN transmit status register (CAN_TSTS)
Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x1C00 0000