Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Bit Field
0: Disable HSI oscillator
1: Enable HSI oscillator
Clock Configuration Register (RCC_CFG)
Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
Bit Field
MCO prescaler
Set and cleared by software.
0000: MCO clock divided by 1, the duty cycle is the same as clock source
0001: MCO clock divided by 2, duty cycle 1/(frequency division factor * 2)
0010: MCO clock divided by 3, duty cycle 1/(frequency division factor * 2)
0011: MCO clock divided by 4, duty cycle 1/(frequency division factor * 2)
0100: MCO clock divided by 5, duty cycle 1/(frequency division factor * 2)
0101: MCO clock divided by 6, duty cycle 1/(frequency division factor * 2)
0110: MCO clock divided by 7, duty cycle 1/(frequency division factor * 2)
0111: MCO clock divided by 8, duty cycle 1/(frequency division factor * 2)
1000: MCO clock divided by 2, duty cycle 50%
1001: MCO clock divided by 4, duty cycle 50%
1010: MCO clock divided by 6, duty cycle 50%
1011: MCO clock divided by 8, duty cycle 50%
1100: MCO clock divided by 10, duty cycle 50%
1101: MCO clock divided by 12, duty cycle 50%
1110: MCO clock divided by 14, duty cycle 50%
1111: MCO clock divided by 16, duty cycle 50%
This bit is combined with bit[21:18] to form a PLL multiplication factor. Please
refer to PLLMULFCT[3:0].
Microcontroller clock output selection
Set and cleared by software.
0xx: No clock output
001: Select internal low-speed clock (LSI) output
010: Select external low-speed clock (LSE) output
011: Select internal multi-speed clock (MSI) output