Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Bit field
Set to 1 after power-on reset or data to be sent has been sent to the shift register. Setting
USART_CTRL1.TXDEIEN will generate an interrupt.
This bit is cleared to 0 when the software writes the data to be sent into USART_DAT.
0: Send data buffer is not empty.
1: The transmitting data buffer is empty.
Transmission complete.
This bit is set to 1 after power-on reset. If USART_STS.TXDE is set, this bit is set when
the current data transmission is completed.
Setting USART_CTRL1.TXCIEN bit will generate an interrupt.
This bit is cleared by software.
0: Transmitting did not complete.
1: Send completed.
The Read data register not empty.
This bit is set when the read data buffer receives data from the shift register. When
USART_CTRL1.RXDNEIEN bit is set, an interrupt will be generated.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 to it or reading the USART_DAT register.
0: The read data buffer is empty.
1: The read data buffer is not empty.
IDLE line detected flag.
Within one frame time, the idle state is detected at the RX pin, and this bit is set to 1.
When USART_CTRL1.IDLEIEN bit is set, an interrupt will be generated.
The software can clear this bit by reading USART_STS first and then reading
0: No idle frame detected.
1: idle frame detected.
Note: IDLEF bit will not be set high again until USART_STS.RXDNE bit is set (that is,
an idle line is detected again).
Overrun error
With RXDNE set, this bit is set if the USART_DAT register receives data from the shift
register. When USART_CTRL3.ERRIEN bit is set, an interrupt will be generated.
The software can clear this bit by reading USART_STS first and then reading
0: No overrun error was detected.
1: Overflow error detected.
Noise error flag.
When noise is detected in the received frame, this bit is set by hardware. It is cleared by
the software sequence (read first USART_STS, read USART_DAT again).
0: No noise error detected.
1: Noise error detected.
Note: this bit will not generate an interrupt because it appears with
USART_STS.RXDNE, and the hardware will generate an interrupt when setting the