Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
TIMx_CCEN.CCxNEN=1, OCx will become active when OCxREF is high. On the contrary, OCxN will become
active when OCxREF is low.
Break function
The output enable signals and inactive levels will be modified when setting the corresponding control bits when using
the break function. However, the output of OCx and OCxN cannot at the active level at the same time no matter when,
that is, (CCxP^OIx) ^(CCxNP^OIxN)!=0.
When multiple break signals are enabled, each break signal constitutes an OR logic. Here are some signal which can
be the source of breaking.
The break input pin
A clock failure event, generated by the clock security system in the clock controller.
A PVD failure event.
Core Hardfault event.
The output signal of the comparator (configured in the comparator module, high level break).
By software through the TIMx_EVTGEN.BGN.
The break circuit will be disable after reset. And the MOEN bit will be low. User can set TIMx_BKDT.BKEN to
enable the break function. The polarity of break input signal can be selected by setting TIMx_BKDT.BKP. User can
modify the TIMx_BKDT.BKEN and TIMx_BKDT.BKP at the same time. After user set the TIMx_BKDT.BKEN
and TIMx_BKDT.BKP, there is 1 APB clock cycle delay before the option take effect. Therefore, user need to wait
1 APB clock cycle to read back the value of the written bit.
The falling edge of MOEN can be asynchronous, so between the actual signal and the synchronous control bit, there
set a resynchronization circuit. This circuit will cause a delay between the asynchronous and the synchronous signal.
When user set TIMx_BKDT.MOEN while it is low, user need to insert a delay before reading the value. Because an
asynchronous signal was written but user read the synchronous signal.
The behaviors that after a break occurs are as follow:
TIMx_BKDT.MOEN will be cleared asynchronously, and then the outputs will be put in inactive state, idle state
or reset state. The state of output is selected by setting TIMx_BKDT.OSSI. This will take effect even if the MCU
oscillator is off.
Once TIMx_BKDT.MOEN=0, the output of each output channel will be driven with the level programmed in
TIMx_CTRL2.OIx. Timer will release the enable outputs(taken over by GPIO controller) if
TIMx_BKDT.OSSI=0, otherwise it will remains high.
If user choose to use complementary outputs, the behaviors of TIM are as follow
Depends on the polarity, the outputs will be set in reset state first. It is an asynchronous option so it still
works even if there is no clock provided to the timer.
The dead-time generator will reactivated if the timer clock is still provided, and drive the outputs according
to the value of TIMx_CTRL2.OIx and TIMx_CTRL2.OIxN after the dead-time when (CCxP ^ OIx) ^