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5.4 Operation Mode Change Function
* 1: When a stop error occurs in both system CPU modules, all output (Y) to the remote I/O station is
turned off.
Remote I/O station output can be held when a stop error occurs in both system CPU modules.
Please refer to the following manuals for information on how to hold remote I/O station output.
Q Corresponding MELSECNET/H Network System Reference Manual (Remote I/O network)
CC-Link System Master / Local Module User's Manual
* 2: Indicates refresh of SB (Link special relay)/SW (Link special register used for) CC-Link IE
Controller Network, MELSECNET/H PLC to PLC network, MELSECNET/H Remote I/O network,
and CC-Link.
Table5.42 Operations After Operation Mode Change (Continue)
In Backup Mode
Control System
Standby System
During Normal
RUN and During
During Stop
During Stop
During Normal
RUN and During
During Stop
During Stop
Refresh between CC-Link IE
Controller Network CPU
Network Module
Executes the function
Executes system
Executes a refresh from the network
module to the CPU module.
Does not execute a refresh from the
CPU module to the network module
Executes the
Transient Requested from Other
Station in CC-Link IE Controller
Executes the function
Executes the function
Refresh between MELSECNET/H
PLC to PLC Network CPU
Network Module
Executes the function
Executes a refresh from the network
module to the CPU module.
Does not execute a refresh from the
CPU module to the network module
Executes the
Transient Requested from Other
Station in MELSECNET/H PLC to
PLC Network
Executes the function
Executes the function
Input from MELSECNET/H
Remote I/O network (Input
Refresh from Network Module to
CPU Module)
Inputs it
Inputs it
Does not input it
Output to MELSECNET/H Remote
I/O net (Output Refresh From CPU
Module to Network Module) *1
Outputs it
Turns OFF output
Does not output it
SB/SW Refresh from Network
Module to CPU Module *2
Executes the function
Executes the function
SB/SW Refresh from CPU Module
to Network Module *2
Executes the function
Executes the function
Does not execute
the function