Quickstart Guide : Appendix II I/O Daughter-card Options
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Appendix II
I/O Daughter-card Options
ADAT Optical I/O
The ADAT Optical daughter card offers 16 channels of audio input and 16 channels of audio output, 8 channels per
optical connection. From top to bottom of the card, it has two digital optical input connectors (Inputs A and B) and
two digital optical output connectors (Outputs A and B).
The signal format of optical connectors Input A and Output A can be set inside the Pyramix software to operate in
either ADAT or S/PDIF mode. When in ADAT mode, there are 8 discrete audio channels carried per each optical
connector. S/PDIF mode has 2 channels per optical connector.
in SPDIF mode the maximum sampling rate is limited to 48 kHz. Please also note
that whilst the ADAT daughterboard continues to function normally in HDTDM (64 bus)
mode it cannot be used for input when in XDTDM (128 bus) mode and is then only capa-
ble of 8 outputs via Optical Output A with the same 8 duplicated on Optical Output B.
Daughterboard requires modification before use with XDTDM mode. Failure to do this may
result in data loss. Please contact your Merging Technologies Sales Partner to arrange a mod.
The AES/EBU daughter card offers 24 channels of I/O over 12 AES/EBU input and output pairs. Connection is via
three DB-25 connectors, One on the main card attached to the
and two more on a separate bracket
connected via internal ribbon cable to the main card. An optional break-out cable can be ordered separately
which connects to the DB-25 connector and terminates in 8 XLR connectors which may be used to connect to
standard AES/EBU stereo inputs and outputs. AES daughter cards are available with or without 8 channels of SRC
(sample rate conversion)
Dual DC I/O
The Dual DC offers up to 12 inputs and outputs at 32kHz, 44.1kHz or 48kHz sampling rates on a single board. All
converters are 24 bit. Connection is via 2 DB-25 connectors. One, on the main card attached to the
, car-
ries the analog I/O and the second, on a separate bracket, carries four AES/EBU Input and Output stereo pairs.
There are four analogue Line outputs and four analogue Line Inputs, two of which may be switched to accept Mic
or Line level inputs. These have Mic pre-amps and 48V phantom powering. The analogue Line level I/O is adjust-
able over a 24dB range to accommodate all standard studio levels. Optional break-out cables can be ordered sep-
arately which connect to the DB-25 connectors and terminate in 8 XLR connectors.
The Dual DC is the most cost-effective I/O daughter card for Pyramix users. It is an ideal I/O solution for mixed ana-
log/digital requirements, as encountered in Broadcast production, and Video post-production environments. It
allows direct connection of up to two dynamic or condenser microphones, typically for quick and easy voice-over
the Dual DC I/O daughtercard is not HDTDM bus compatible and can not be used
in a multiboard setup.
The MADI daughter card offers 56 channels of 24 bit bi-directional I/O, and up to 64 channels in MADI-X (MADI
Extended) format. It can be ordered either in a BNC coaxial version or an optical duplex SC version. Both versions
are fitted with a standard Wordclock BNC I/O connector, which can be programmed in the Pyramix software as a
Wordclock In or Out signal.
The Mykerinos SDIF daughter board is specially designed for multi-track DSD recording. It offers 8 channels of DSD
digital input over 8 unbalanced, 75 Ohm terminated BNC connectors and 8 channels of DSD digital output over 8
unbalanced, 75 Ohm BNC connectors.One channel of DSD signal is transported at the bit-rate of 2.82 MHz through
each BNC connector. SDIF-2 and SDIF-3 format are fully supported for DSD transport (selected under software
With one Mykerinos board, it is only possible to use one DSD Input and Output channel. To have the full range of 8
I/O channels, a second Mykerinos board is required to provide sufficient DSP power.