Quickstart Guide : Editing
Page 41
Clips in a Composition on the Timeline
As with objects in a Media Drive or Library, Clips in a Composition are just pointers to the original audio Media
Files. Any actions performed on a Clip in a Composition will affect neither the original audio Media File, nor the
master Clip in the Media Folder or object in a Library from where it came. In the Project Editing Panel, a Clip can be
edited, shortened, split into 2 Clips, moved, level controlled, deleted, etc. and all actions will ONLY affect the Com-
Once in the Composition, each Clip by default displays a
of the audio file to which it points. This Wave-
form display can be enabled or disabled by the user.
Selecting a Clip
Click on any Clip to select it. It will change color to indicate selection. Shift-click to select multiple Clips at the same
Moving a Clip
Any Clip can be easily moved in time on its Track, or moved to another Track. Simply click on the Clip to select it.
Now just click and drag it to the new location.
Clip Handles
Once selected, a Clip shows various
which may be used to manipulate that Clip. The lighter
Trim Handle
on the left side of the Clip allows adjustment of the beginning of the Clip, and the lighter Trim Handle on the right
side allows adjustment of the end. Each of these Trim Handles consists of 3
Control Points
Click and drag on the middle Control Point of these Trim Handles to move the head or tail of the Clip as desired to
shorten or lengthen the Clip. These can be moved out to the full extent of the original audio Media File to which
the Clip is pointing.
The top Control Point controls the Fade In and Fade Out timing for the Clip (see Fades below).
In addition to the beginning and ending Trim Handles, the red Handle controls a Clip’s internal
Sync Point
. The
Sync Point can be used as a reference point for a variety of actions. To move the Sync Point, just click and drag on
its single red Control Point.
Grouping Clips
multiple Clips, whether they are in the same or different Tracks,.select the appropriate Clips to Group
together. Now choose
from the Toolbar. When 1 Clip in a Group is selected, copied, deleted or
moved, all Clips in its Group will be similarly selected, copied, deleted or moved.
To ungroup previously Grouped Clips to treat them separately, select the Group and choose
Groups can be nested.
Selecting a Range
To select a range click and drag in time and across tracks if desired. A range can contain areas of many clips across
many tracks or an area of a single clip.
Making Edits
Once a Clip or Clips or a range is selected a wide variety of commands may be used to affect it / them.
Remember, the original audio
Media File
are not affected by edits in the
Splitting Clips
Edit > Split
Ctrl + T
) makes an edit on the selected Clip(s) at the cursor position splitting it (them). If
a region is defined within a Clip or Clips then this region is Split (edited) by using this command. Each split portion
of the original
(s) now becomes a new, independent
in its own right.