L-DALI User Manual
Version 5.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Figure 23: LINX Configurator software, Download Configuration.
Because we have changed only the DALI configuration and the parameters it is
sufficient to check only DALI Configuration and Parameters in the following dialog.
This speeds up the download process.
Figure 24: LINX Configurator software, Download DALI Configuration and Parameters.
After the download is complete, go back to the DALI Installation tab and press the
button. Now the assigned DALI devices are displayed on a green background
(see Figure 25). The green background color indicates that the communication with the
device is OK. If there is a communication error, the device will be displayed with a red
background color.
Figure 25: LINX Configurator software, After Configuration Download.
3.4.8 Calibrate Light Sensor
The L-DALI device allows calibrating the light sensor under up to seven different light
conditions to counter any non-linearity of the sensor. However, in many cases it is enough