L-DALI User Manual
Version 5.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
11.2 Statistics on the Console
11.2.1 Connecting to the Console
Use a PC terminal program with the communication settings set to 38,400 bps / 8 data bits /
no parity / 1 stop bit / no handshake. To connect COM1 of the PC to the Console on the
device, use a standard null-modem cable with full handshaking. Power up the device or
if the device is already running. The menu shown in Figure 258 should appear
on the terminal.
Device Main Menu
[1] Show device information
[2] Serial firmware upgrade
[3] System configuration
[4] DALI maintenance
[5] IP configuration
[7] CEA-709 configuration
[8] Reset configuration (factory defaults)
[9] Device statistics
[a] Data Points
[0] Reset device
Please choose:
Figure 258: Console Main Menu.
11.2.2 Reset configuration (load factory defaults)
Select item ‘8’ in the console main menu. This menu item allows resetting the device into its
factory default state. The menu appears as shown in Figure 259.
Reset Configuration Menu
[1] Reset everything to factory defaults
[3] Reset all passwords
[4] Clear data point configuration
[q] Quit
Please choose:
Figure 259: Reset to Factory Defaults Menu.
Select option ‘1’ to reset the entire device to factory defaults (including error log,
configuration files, passwords etc.). Select option ‘3’ to reset all passwords (Web interface,
FTP server etc.) to factory defaults.
Select option ‘4’ to clear all configured data points, parameters and the DALI configuration.
The L-DALI must be rebooted to let the changes take effect.
11.2.3 Device Statistics Menu
Select ‘9’ from the device main menu to get to the device statistics menu. This menu holds
relevant information regarding the device statistics of the device. This section describes
those statistics, which are not available on the Web UI. The device statistics menu is shown
in Figure 260. Use this menu only for debugging purposes. There is no need to access this
menu if the network is running smoothly.