L-DALI User Manual
Version 5.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
7.2.1 Involved Configuration Files
In the configuration process, there are a number of files involved:
XIF file (LDALI-10X only): This is the standard file format to exchange the static
CEA-709 interface of a device. This file can be used to create a device in the database
without having the L-DALI on-line. There exists a standard XIF file for the FT port
(“L-DALI_FT-10.xif”) and one for the IP-852 port (“L-DALI_IP-10L.xif”). In
addition, there are XIF files for an L-DALI with enabled Emergency interface
(“L-DALI_emergency_FT-10.xif” and “L-DALI_emergency_IP-10L.xif”, see Section
“L-DALI_legacy_IP-10L.xif”, see Section 7.3.4). For custom CEA-709 interfaces a
XIF file can be generated (see Section 7.7.12).
LINX Configurator project file: This file contains the DALI configuration for all ports,
light and sunblind application parameters and the AST configuration. These files end
with “.ldali”. It stores all relevant configuration data and is intended to be saved on a
PC to backup the L-DALI’s configuration.
7.2.2 On-Line
The flow diagram in Figure 125 shows the steps that need to be followed in order to
configure the L-DALI when the device and the DALI network including all DALI devices
(e.g. ballasts, sensors, etc.) are available on-line.
CEA-709 only: Add L-DALI to LNS
Section 7.3.1
Start the Configurator as a plug-in or stand-alone
Section 7.4.1/7.4.2
Scan DALI network and setup DALI devices and
Section 7.5
Download configuration to L-DALI
Section 7.4.4
Configure L-DALI application parameters
Section 7.6
Setup alarming, scheduling & trending
Section 7.7
Figure 125: Basic on-line design-flow.
In case of LDALI-10x models in the first step the L-DALI device must be added to LNS
(see Section 7.3.1). Then the LINX Configurator must be started to configure the L-DALI.
Use Plug-In mode (see Section 7.4.1) is working with an LNS based tool (CEA-709 only)
or stand-alone mode (see Section 7.4.2) otherwise. In the Configurator, the DALI network
is scanned for DALI devices and the devices are setup and assigned to DALI groups (see
Section 7.4.6). Then the parameters for the light application and the sunblind application
can be configured (see Section 7.6). Optionally, alarming, scheduling and trending
functionality can be set up (see Section 7.7). Finally, the configuration needs to be
downloaded to the L-DALI (see Section 7.4.4). It is recommended to save the complete
configuration to a file for being able to replace an L-DALI in the network. Additionally a
backup should be created (see Section 5.2.17).