Accounts and Messaging
You can add as many message recipients as you want.
: To send an additional carbon copy (Cc) or a blind carbon copy (Bcc) of the current email
to other recipients, tap
Add Cc
Add Bcc
3. Tap the
field and enter the email subject.
4. Tap the
field and compose your email.
To add an attachment (such as picture, video, contact, event, audio, etc), tap
You can access the internal storage and navigate to the file you wish to attach.
Tap the file you wish to attach.
5. Tap
to send the email.
: If you close the messaging window before sending it, it is stored in Drafts.
Reply to or Delete an Email Message
Replying to or deleting an email is also simple.
1. From the Inbox, tap an email message to view it.
2. With the email message displayed, tap
and choose
Reply all
If you select
, you
must specify the message„s recipients.
3. Enter a new message body and tap
Delete an Email Message
► Touch and hold an email (from your inbox list) and tap
from the pop-up context
With the email message displayed, tap
Configure and Sync Corporate Email Settings
You can sync and configure various settings for your corporate email and create a corporate
email signature.
Sync Your Accounts
1. Press
System settings
Accounts & sync