Ask on Connection
Checkmark to have the phone ask you to choose which USB connection mode it should connect
with to a PC.
Developer Options
Keep in mind that turning on these developer settings may result in irregular device behavior.
1. Press
System settings
Developer options
2. The following options are available.
Take bug report
: This will collect information about your current device state, to
send as an email message.
Desktop backup password
: Checkmark to set a password to back up the desktop.
Stay awake
: Checkmark to set the screen to never timeout while charging.
Protect SD card
: Checkmark to protect the SD card. When the SD card is protected,
applications must request permission to read data from external storage.
USB debugging
: Checkmark to turn on debug mode when USB is connected.
Allow mock locations
: Checkmark to set the device to a mock location.
Select debug app
: Allows you to select the debugging application.
Wait for debugger
: Checkmark to wait for debugger. Debugged application waits for
debugger to attach before executing.
Show touches
: Checkmark to show visual feedback when the screen is tapped.
Show touch data
: Checkmark to make touch data visible on the screen.
Show layout
: Checkmark to show clip bounds, margins, etc.
Show GPU view updates
: Checkmark to flash views inside windows when drawn
with the GPU.
Show screen updates
: Checkmark to flash areas of the screen when they are
Window animation scale
: Allows you to set the window animation scale.
Transition animation scale
: Allows you to set the transition animation scale.
Animator duration scale: Allows you to set the animator duration scale.
Animator duration scale
: Allows you to set the animator duration scale.