Basic Setting
The Basic Setting group provides you to configure switch information, IP address, User
name/ Password of the system. It also allows you to do firmware upgrade, backup and
restore configuration, reload factory default, and reboot the system.
Following commands are included in this group:
4.2.1 Switch Setting
4.2.2 Admin Password
4.2.3 IP Configuration
4.2.4 Time Setting
4.2.5 Jumbo Frame
4.2.6 DHCP Server
4.2.7 Backup and Restore
4.2.8 Firmware Upgrade
4.2.9 Load Default
4.2.10 System Reboot
4.2.11 CLI Commands for Basic Setting
Switch Setting
You can assign System name, Location, Contact and view system information.
– Web UI of the Switch Setting
System Name
: You can assign a name to the device. The available character string length
is 64. After you configure the name, CLI system will select the first 12 characters as the
name in CLI system.
System Location
: You can specify the switch’s physical location here. The available
character string length is 64.
System Contact:
You can specify contact people here. You can type the name, mail
address or other information of the administrator.
The available character string length is
System OID
: The SNMP object ID of the switch. You can follow the path to find its private
MIB in MIB browser. (
When you attempt to view private MIB, you should compile
private MIB files into your MIB browser first.)