Switch(config)# spanning-tree mst configuration
abort exit current mode and discard all changes
end exit current mode, change to enable mode and apply
all changes
exit exit current mode and apply all changes
instance the mst instance
list Print command list
name the name of mst region
no Negate a command or set its defaults
quit exit current mode and apply all changes
revision the revision of mst region
show show mst configuration
Region Name:
Switch(config-mst)# name
NAME the name string
Switch(config-mst)# na67orenixnix
Region Revision:
Switch(config-mst)# revision
<0-65535> the value of revision
Switch(config-mst)# revision 65535
Mapping Instance
to VLAN (Ex:
Mapping VLAN 2
to Instance 1)
Switch(config-mst)# instance
<1-15> target instance number
Switch(config-mst)# instance 1 vlan
VLANMAP target vlan number(ex.10) or range(ex.1-10)
Switch(config-mst)# instance 1 vlan 2
Display Current
MST Configuraion
Switch(config-mst)# show current
Current MST configuration
Name 67orenixnix]
Revision 65535
Instance Vlans Mapped
-------- --------------------------------------
0 1,4-4094
1 2
2 --
Config HMAC-MD5 Digest:
Remove Region
Switch(config-mst)# no
name name configure
revision revision configure
instance the mst instance
Switch(config-mst)# no name
Remove Instance
Switch(config-mst)# no instance
<1-15> target instance number
Switch(config-mst)# no instance 2
Show Pending
Switch(config-mst)# show pending
Pending MST configuration
Name []
(->The name is removed by no name)
Revision 65535
Instance Vlans Mapped
-------- --------------------------------------
0 1,3-4094
1 2
(->Instance 2 is removed by no instance
Config HMAC-MD5 Digest: