SMTP Configuration
Jet 5020G supports E-mail Warning feature. The switch will send the occurred events to
remote E-mail server. The receiver can notified by E-mail. The E-mail warning machenism
conforms to SMTP standard.
This page allows you to enable E-mail Alert, assign the SMTP Server IP, Sender E-mail,
and Receiver E-mail. If SMTP server requests for authorizations, you can also set up the
username and password in this page.
SMTP Server IP Address
Enter the IP address of the email Server
Click on check box to enable password
User Name
Enter email Account name (Max.40 characters)
Enter the password of the email account
Confirm Password
Re-type the password of the email account
You can set up to 4 email addresses to receive email alarm from Managed Switch
Rcpt E-mail Address 1
The first email address to receive email alert from
Managed Switch (Max. 40 characters)
Rcpt E-mail Address 2
The second email address to receive email alert from
Managed Switch (Max. 40 characters)
Rcpt E-mail Address 3
The third email address to receive email alert from
Managed Switch (Max. 40 characters)