KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
Error code Error message
Conflicts with PROTection state
Conflicts with WIRing configuration
Conflicts with BUSY state
Conflicts with CURRent PROTection LIMit selected
Conflicts with CURRent PROTection TRIP selected
Conflicts with SSTart function enabled
Conflicts with Remote Inhibit operation
Conflicts with EXTernal PROGram SOURce selected
Conflicts with INTernal PROGram SOURce selected
Conflicts with unbalanced PHASe configuration
Conflicts with unbalanced VOLTage configuration
Conflicts with TRANsient trigger in progress
Conflicts with SIMulation trigger in progress
Conflicts with PROGram trigger in progress
Conflicts with external digital input
Conflicts with OUTPut IMPedance REAL
Conflicts with OUTPut IMPedance REACtive
Conflicts with SSTop function enabled
Conflicts with V PROGram SOURce selected
Conflicts with Out of RANGe(VOLT)
Conflicts with Out of RANGe(FREQ)
Conflicts with Out of RANGe(IMP)
Conflicts with Out of RANGe(TIME)
Conflicts with existing AC VOLTage (IMMediate)
Conflicts with existing AC VOLTage (TRIGgered)
Conflicts with existing DC VOLTage (IMMediate)
Conflicts with existing DC VOLTage (TRIGgered)
Conflicts with existing AC+DC overlaid VOLTage (IMMediate)
Conflicts with existing AC+DC overlaid VOLTage (TRIGgered)
Overlaying too much AC+DC voltage
Conflicts with non-zero DC VOLTage
Conflicts with high-ranged T3 VOLTage
Conflicts with existing FREQuency (IMMediate)
Conflicts with existing FREQuency (IMMediate)
Conflicts with soft VOLTage LIMit settings
Conflicts with soft VOLTage OFFSet LIMit settings
Conflicts with soft FREQuency LIMit settings
Conflicts with TRIP in DISabled state
Conflicts with non-zero AC VOLTage
Conflicts with VOLTage COMPensate not in DISabled state
Conflicts with HARD voltage compensation
Conflicts with SOFT voltage compensation
Conflicts with REG-ADJ voltage compensation
Conflicts with CV RESPonse MEDium or FAST
Conflicts with FREQuency SYNChronize function enabled
Conflicts with OUTPut IMPedance function enabled
Conflicts with non-zero waveform BANK active