KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
Of the parameters {1|2|3}, 1 represents U phase, 2 represents V phase, and 3 rep-
resents W phase.
Check whether the CV bit of the V phase is set.
The QUEStionable Status register is used to record events and notifications that oc-
cur during abnormal operations.
To check whether the overvoltage protection function has been activated, check the
OV bit (bit 0) of the STATus:QUEStionable register.
STAT:QUES? 'Check whether the OV bit is set.
Even if bit 0 is true, you cannot tell on which phase the overvoltage protection func-
tion has been activated. To check which phase is operating abnormally, check the
STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument subregister.
Check which phase is operating abnormally.
All channels whose corresponding bits are true are operating abnormally. You can
determine how the specified phase is operating abnormally by checking the STA-
Tus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary{1|2|3} subregister of the channel.
Of the parameters {1|2|3}, 1 represents U phase, 2 represents V phase, and 3 rep-
resents W phase.
Check whether the OV bit of the V phase is set.
PON (Power ON) bit
The PON bit (bit 7) of the event status register is always set when the product is
turned on. To generate a power-on SRQ to track power failures and power supply line
errors, use PON as follows.
Set *PSC (Power-on Status Clear ) to 0 (or OFF).
Enable the backup functions for event status enable register and service request
enable register settings. (*PSC 0)
Set the PON bit (bit 7) of the event status enable register.
This enables the transmission of power-on events to the higher layer. (*ESE 128)
Set the ESB bit (bit 5) of the status byte enable register.
This enables the generation of SRQs based on standard events. (*SRE 32)