ABORt Command
PCR-WE Interface Manual
ABORt Command
This product has four different trigger subsystems (TRANsient, ACQuire, SIMulation,
TRANsient is a subsystem for changing settings.
ACQuire is a measurement trigger subsystem. This subsystem is used to measure
voltage, current, and power.
SIMulation executes power line abnormality simulations.
PROGram runs sequences.
Aborts configuration, changes, measurements, and other operations in all trigger sub-
systems (TRANsient, ACQuire, SIMulation, PROGram).
The product
s trigger state immediately after it turns on is the same as its trigger state
after it receives an ABOR command.
If you send an ABOR command while the PCR is executing measurements, the mea-
sured data is discarded.
You cannot specify a trigger subsystem with the ABOR command. It is always inter-
preted as ALL.