PCR-WE Interface Manual
Programming AC Output
Setting the AC voltage and frequency
The AC voltage and frequency are controlled by the VOLTage and FREQuency com-
mands. First, set the voltage range.
VOLTage:RANGe 150 'Sets the voltage range to L
VOLTage 110 'Sets the AC voltage to 110 V
FREQuency 55 'Sets the frequency to 55 Hz
OUTPut ON 'Turns the output on
Setting the AC voltage and frequency limits
The maximum AC voltage value varies depending on the voltage range setting.
Further, the maximum and minimum AC voltage and frequency values may vary de-
pending on the limit settings. The AC voltage and frequency must be set within the
range defined by the specified limits.
The voltage and frequency limits are safety interlock functions to avoid operation er-
rors and programming errors. They are not output limit functions.
VOLTage:RANGe 150 'Sets the voltage range to L
VOLTage:LIMit:UPPer MAX 'Sets the upper voltage limit to the maximum
VOLTage:LIMit:LOWer MIN 'Sets the lower voltage limit to the minimum
VOLTage 110 'Sets the AC voltage to 110 V
FREQuency:LIMit:UPPer MAX 'Sets the upper frequency limit to the maximum
FREQuency:LIMit:LOWer MIN 'Sets the lower frequency limit to the minimum.
FREQuency 55 'Sets the frequency to 55 Hz
In the above example, the limits are set to the maximum so that any AC voltage and
frequency within the range can be specified.
If the voltage range is set to L, the AC voltage cannot be set greater than 157.5 V.
To query the maximum or minimum value of the AC voltage and frequency, include
the MINimum or MAXimum parameter in the query.