KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
Use the TRIGger:SIMulation:SOURce command to set the trigger source to BUS or
IMMediate. INITiate:SIMulation pulls the TRIGger subsystem out of the IDLE state
and starts (initiates) the trigger function.
If the trigger source is set to IMMediate, the power line abnormality simulation starts
immediately. If the trigger source is set to BUS, the TRIGger subsystem enters the
WTG (Waiting For Trigger) state. When a software trigger is received (through the
TRIGger:SIMulation command or *TRG command), the power line abnormality sim-
ulation starts. When the simulation finishes, the TRIGger subsystem enters the IDLE
state again. If the ABORt command or an equivalent command is received in the
WTG state or when a simulation is being executed, the simulation is canceled, and
the TRIGger subsystem returns to the IDLE state.
Send the *RST command to reset all the parameters of the power line abnormality
TRIGger:SIMulation:IMMediate only applies a software trigger to the SIMulation
You can also use the *TRG command or the IEEE488.1 get (Group Execute Trigger)
command for the same purpose. This command applies a software trigger to all trig-
ger subsystems, if there are other trigger subsystems in the initiated state, their trig-
ger operations will also be executed at the same time.