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Format a recording/media archive
During formatting, all data will be deleted from the relevant directory.
Deleted data cannot be restored – it is irrevocably deleted!
Select with
the desired type of channel search and confi rm with
. The following
on-screen display appears (example: formatting the recording archive):
Fig.: Mainmenu - Interface Setup, HDD Management,
Format archive
Confi rm with
or abort the operation with
Make dedicated HDD
To make recordings using the UFSconnect 906 and to utilise the
timeshifting and recording archive functions, you must connect an
external hard disk to the rear of the receiver (USB) and set it up.
Press the
button to set up the archive hard disk.
Fig.: Mainmenu - Interface Setup, HDD Management,
Set up hard disk_1
Setting up an archive hard disk deletes all data previously held on the
hard disk. Deleted data cannot be restored – it is irrevocably deleted!