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EPG Grabbing
Select here whether the EPG data are to be automatically updated at the time selected in
"EPG Grabbing Time" (selection: DVB-SI) or automatic EPG updating is not required
(selection: Off).
EPG Grabbing Time
Select here the time at which the receiver's EPG data is to be updated. Since updating can take
up to 45 minutes it is recommended that the grabbing time is during the night when the receiver
is not being used. The receiver (which must be in standby mode) switches itself on from standby
mode and updates the EPG data. After updating the data, the receiver switches back to standby
mode. Scheduled recordings do not affect this; in such cases the receiver automatically carries
out the update once the recording is fi nished.
Start View
Select here the view that you generally want to see at the start of the EPG. You can choose
between the "Current" view (green) and the "Preview (programme listings)" view (yellow).
Pre-Recording Time
Select here the number of minutes prior to the time set in the EPG when the recording should
start. You can choose a value between one minute and 30 minutes, in one minute increments.
The recording will start that number of minutes before the due time. This provides contingency
for minor variations in transmission times.
Post-Recording Time
Select here the number of minutes after the time set in the EPG the recording should run on for.
You can choose a value between one minute and 30 minutes, in one minute increments. The
recording will fi nish that number of minutes after the due time. This provides contingency for
minor variations in transmission times.