Ingenieurbüro CAT, M. Zipperer GmbH +49-7634-5056-800
Wettelbrunner Straße 6
79282 Ballrechten-Dottingen
Instruction manual JetCat-PRO engines, 1.7 - V12.01V
Before activating the purge pump mode, understand that fuel will/might be pumped into the
engine if the user is not stopping the pump when fuel has arrived at the engines fuel inlet.
Pump Test / Purge Fuel allows the fuel pump to operate without the engine running. However, if
the fuel feeding is not stopped once fuel arrives at the engine, the engine will become flooded with
fuel. When this occurs, the next engine start can become highly combustible!
Enable to prime the fuel pump and lines.
By pressing the “Change Value” key the fuel valve opens, and the fuel pump starts to
run. To change the voltage the pump runs at, press either the “+” or “-“ key while the
“Change Value “ key is pressed.
Depending on engine type, the fuel pump can also be run reverse. Negative values for
the pump voltage then result in reverse operation of the pump.
BurnerTest (Volt)
By pressing the”Change Value” key the Burner glow with the appointed voltage.
The left number displays the burner voltage the right shows the current battery voltage.
The burner voltage can’t be changed.
BurnerValve Test
Pressing the “Change Value” key opens the burner valve
SmokerValve Test
Pressing the “Change Value” key opens the smoke valve
FuelValve Test
Pressing the “Change Value” key opens the fuel valve
Displays the data of the temperature sensor. The upper left value indicates the exhaust
gas temperature, the right value call the measured value of environment.
These values are the according internal values of the AD-converter.
If appears a “F” in the upper right edge the temperature-sensor is faulty or the data
cable in not connected or faulty, too.