item Controller BL 1-04 /C
― Product manual
FSM: impermissible accele
ration detected
▪ Error in connected position encoder.
▪ EMC malfunctions affecting the position encoder.
▪ Impermissibly high acceleration rates in the movement profiles.
▪ Acceleration limit parameterised too low.
▪ Angle jump after homing run in the position data transmitted from the servo
drive to the safety module.
▪ Check the connected position encoders: If further error messages occur in
conjunction with the encoders, then eliminate their cause first.
▪ Check the motor and encoder cable / shield connection on motor and drive
side. EMC malfunctions can trigger the error.
▪ Check the setpoint specifications / motion profiles of the control: Do they
contain impermissibly high accelerations above the limit value for accelera
tion monitoring (P06.07)?
▪ Check whether the limit value for acceleration monitoring was parameterised
correctly - the limit value (P06.07) should be at least 30% ... 50% above the
maximum acceleration actually occurring.
▪ In case of an angle jump in the position data transmitted from the servo drive
- acknowledge error once.
Group 56: FSM: Actual value evaluation 2
FSM: speed / angle
difference encoder 1 - 2
▪ Rotational speed difference between encoders 1 and 2 of one μC outside the
permissible range for longer than the allowed time.
▪ Angle difference between encoders 1 and 2 of one μC outside the permissi
ble range for longer than the allowed time.
▪ Problem may occur if two position encoders are used in the system and they
are not "rigidly coupled”.
▪ Check for elasticity or backlash, improve mechanical system.
▪ Adjust the expert parameters for the position comparison if this is acceptable
from an application point of view.
FSM: error cross compari
son encoder evaluation
Cross-comparison between μC1 and μC2 has detected an angle difference
or rotational speed difference or a difference in capture times for the position
Timing disrupted. If the error occurs again after a reset, the safety module is
presumably defective.