item Controller BL 1-04 /C
― Product manual
5.2 Error buffer
Error/Error buffer
The Error buffer window shows all of the errors, warnings and events that have occurred since the last activation.
The following information is provided:
▪ Error number
▪ System time (hours, minutes, seconds)
▪ Error description (text)
▪ Constant and free parameter
The window itself does not check whether there are any new errors. If a new error occurs while the window is open, select the
button Refresh to refresh the error buffer.
If you want to print the error events, select the Print button. The button Save can be used to store the list of error messages or
warnings and events as a text file or CSV file (comma-separated list).
Figure 13: "Error buffer" and "Error messages" windows
Error messages for the Application Engineering department
If you want to forward an error to the Application Engineering department, you should always save the error messages as a file
and hand over this file as well. The file includes all of the relevant information (system time, constant, free parameter) that can
be useful for the quick identification of the error cause.
The tab Permanent event memory shows error messages that are stored in the internal EEPROM of the servo drive in a
non-volatile manner so that they can still be read out after a "power off". Error messages with the main index 00 are no runt
ime errors. They include information that is stored in the permanent event memory of the servo drive and that will not be dis
played on the seven-segment display (e.g. the event "Error acknowledged"). In general, no activities by the user are required.