DIN Rail PostX IP Reporting Module
Installation Manual | June 2017
The following options must be enabled in the Protege System when using the Auto Arming feature. When
the defer warning time is programmed to 10 minutes, the Output group will be activated 10 minutes before
the system performs the Auto Arming in the associated Area.
The Defer Output or Output Group must be programmed. Refer to the section
Areas | Outputs
in the
Protege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000) for programming instructions.
The Defer Warning Time must be programmed to not less than 10 minutes. Refer to the section
| Configuration
in the Protege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
The Defer Automatic Arming arming option must be enabled. Refer to the section
Areas | Options (2)
the Protege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
Arming Signal
A bell or visual indicator used as an arming acknowledgement signal must be listed to a ULC security,
signaling or fire standard. If intended to be mounted outside, it must be rated for outdoor use.
Double EOL Input Configuration
Only double EOL Input Configuration shall be used. Refer to the section Inputs of this manual and the
Inputs | Options
in the Protege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
Multiplex System and Poll Time
The PRT-CTRL-DIN is compatible with the ICT ArmorIP Internet Monitoring Receiver. Poll Time must be set
to 40 seconds and the Grace Time must be set to 20 seconds.
In the Protege System, the reporting service must be configured to 40 seconds. The following options are
required for the service selected as Report IP type:
The Log Polling Message option must be enabled. Refer to the section
Report IP | Options
in the
Protege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
The Poll Time must be programmed to 40 seconds. Refer to the
Report IP | General
section in
theProtege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
Central Station Signal Receiver
The common equipment of each signal receiving center control unit shall be limited to 1000 alarm systems.
Number of attempts
In the event of unsuccessful communication, a digital alarm communicator transmitter shall make a
minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 attempts. Where the maximum number of attempts to complete the
sequence is reached, an indication of the failure shall be made at the premises.
In the Protege System, the reporting service selected as Contact ID must have the number of attempts
programmed to 5 attempts. The Dial Attempts option must be programmed. Refer to the section
ID | Settings
in the Protege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
Check-In Time
DACT communication channel check-in time is not to exceed 24 hrs.
Trouble Input Service Test Report
The Test Report Time must be programmed. Refer to the section
Controllers | Configuration
in the
Protege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
The Generate Input Restore on Test Input option must be enabled. Refer to the section
Controller |
in the Protege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
The Test Report Time is Periodic option must be enabled. Refer to the section
Controller | Options
theProtege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
Primary Communication Channel
The first attempt to send a status change signal shall utilize the primary communication channel.
The Report IP and Contact ID services must be programmed and enabled within the Protege System, and
the CID service must be set as the backup service. The following options are required:
The Contact ID Reporting Service must be enabled and the Service Mode must be configured to start
with the operating system.
Refer to the section
Contact ID
in the Protege GX Operator Reference Manual (227-1500-000).
The Report IP Service must be enabled as the primary communication channel and the Service Mode
must be configured to start with the operating system. The Reporting Protocol must be set to ArmorIP,
and the Backup Service must be configured to use the Contact ID Service.