DIN Rail PostX IP Reporting Module
Installation Manual | June 2017
PSTN Reporting Formats
Contact ID
This is the standard Ademco Contact ID protocol.
This is the standard SIA 2000 protocol.
Depending on the interface and format selected for a specified channel, its polling can be enabled. When
enabled, the polling will send a poll message to the monitoring station every x seconds (the
Poll Time
value). It is
recommended to use this option to help monitor the Internet link between your PostX Module and the
monitoring station.
If the poll message fails, the PostX Module will then try to send it through the next programmed channel that
also has its polling feature enabled. If that channel fails, the next one will be used, and so on. Whether the last
poll message was sent through the primary or a backup channel, the whole sequence will be repeated on the
next poll message.
As with the reporting sequence, the polling sequence is on a module base, meaning that a poll message will be
reported once on only one channel, the first that succeeds.
Polling is available only on IP interfaces (Ethernet, WiFi and GPRS) not PSTN.
Furthermore, reporting formats ArmorIP (UDP) and ArmorIP-E (UDP) have dedicated values for the actual poll
message and therefore cannot be changed/programmed. All other IP formats can have customized poll
Test Report
A test report is a signal sent to the monitoring station validating the operation of all programmed channels from
the Routing Channels (see page 18) section. The interval at which this signal is sent is configurable under
and can range between 1 to 168 hours (1 week).
As opposed to the reporting and polling sequences, the test report sequence is on a channel base, meaning
that all channels that have the test report feature enabled, will send their respective programmed codes to their
monitoring station via their interface. If the test report fails on a channel, the PostX Module will not try to send it
through the next available channel, instead it will disregard this signal and wait for the next test report to occur.
Communication Failure
Communication failure signals are sent to the monitoring station indicating that a channel became unusable for
some reason (interface failure, unable to reach the monitoring station etc). If channel one becomes faulty and its
communication failure feature is enabled, the next available channel will then send channel one's programmed
failure code.
As with the reporting and polling sequences, the communication failure sequence is on a module base, meaning
that a communication failure message will be reported once on only one channel, the first that succeeds.