DIN Rail PostX IP Reporting Module
Installation Manual | June 2017
The following shows the various settings that can be applied to these 2 outputs.
Invert Output
When enabled, the state of the output will be inverted.
On Time
When the On Time is configured to be non-zero, the output will activate for this number of seconds and
then turn off. If the Off Time is also configured to be non-zero, the output will only remain off for the period
of time set, before turning on again for the On Time. Configuring both the On and Off Time creates a pulsed
output. The On Time can be configured with a value ranging from 0-255 seconds.
Off Time
When the On and Off Time are configured to be non-zero, the output will pulse on and off for the period of
time set. The Off Time can be configured with a value ranging from 0-255 seconds.
Activate On
The output can be activated based on the selected failure/s below:
Any Channel Failure
Channel 1 Failure
Channel 2 Failure
Channel 3 Failure
Channel 4 Failure
Primary Ethernet Gateway Failure
Secondary Ethernet Gateway Failure