DIN Rail PostX IP Reporting Module
Installation Manual | June 2017
Email Messages
Each input can also be configured to send an email when the input changes state. This email is sent to the email
address defined in the main Input Output Control settings (see page 21).
To have an input send an email, the Send Email Message option must be enabled.
For the settings shown above, when the input opens, the following email will be sent by the PostX Module:
Site Name:
ICT PostX Module
Zone Message:
Zone 1 Opened
Time Stamp:
Wed Feb 17 13:00:26 2013
SMS Messages
This information only applies to the PostX modules that support GPRS and/or WIFI communication.
Each input can also be configured to send an SMS when the input changes state. This SMS is sent to the SMS
phone number defined in the main Input Output Control settings (see page 21).
To have an input send an SMS, the Send SMS Message option must be enabled.