DIN Rail PostX IP Reporting Module
Installation Manual | June 2017
Ethernet Configuration
If you can connect to the PostX Module the easiest way to change the IP address is using the web interface.
Open up an Internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) and type the IP address of the PostX
Module into the address bar. The User Login screen will appear for you to enter a valid username and
To help ensure your PostX Module cannot be configured by invalid users, change the default
passwords for the web interface before commissioning the installation.
There are two options for configuring the IP address of the PostX Module:
IP Configuration via DHCP
To enable the DHCP service, select the Obtain an IP address automatically option.
Static IP Configuration
To assign a static IP, select the Use the following IP Address option and enter the new IP address, subnet
mask and default gateway you wish to use.
Once all the changes have been made, click Save to save the changes. You must restart the PostX Module for
the changes to take effect.