DIN Rail PostX IP Reporting Module
Installation Manual | June 2017
Email Events
The PostX Module can send an email to a selected address when any of the four connected inputs change
state. If this option is being used the outgoing mail server (SMTP) must be configured.
To ensure the emails get through and are not stopped by spam filters, a valid email address must be entered.
The PostX Module does not receive any email, so you can use any active email address.
The interface on which the emails will be sent is selectable. Ethernet is available on all variants of the PostX. The
others depend on the model. WiFi will be available on the WF variants while the GPRS IP on the GP variant.
The IP address of the SMTP server that is to be used needs to be entered. If the SMTP server is not provided by
the ISP (Internet Service Provider) the PostX Module is using, then authentication is required. Enter the
username and password for the account into the appropriate fields as shown above.
Once the settings are entered, click Test Account Settings… to send a test email. The PostX Module will
attempt to send an email to the address specified. If it does not get through in a reasonable amount of time,
recheck your settings.